WordPress SVG Logo
There are 2 different types of graphic file used for website logos. SVG (vector) or Raster (Bitmap) files such as PNG or JPG.
PNG and JPG image file formats are made up of tiny pixels. These are ok if viewed on a desktop or laptop. But on a tablet or mobile device it’s possible to zoom into a web page including the logo. If your logo is a raster image (PNG or JPG) then you will begin to see it appear blurry and pixelated the more you zoom in.
But if your logo is a vector SVG file you won’t have this problem. In fact it will remain sharp no matter how far you zoom in. Try zooming in to our logo at the top of this page and you will see for yourself!
JPG Logo Example

SVG Logo Example

Faster Page loading
Not only will your logo appear sharp, but it will also be a very small file size compared to a raster logo. Our logo file size is only 4k!
There are lots of ways you can improve your Google page ranking and one of them is making sure you have a fast-loading page. So, by adding an SVG logo you will be improving the page load times of every page of your site.
How to add an SVG logo to your Wordpress site?
We find the easiest way is to first create a Child theme. Then in this child theme, open the functions.php file and add the following code to the bottom:
function cc_mime_types($mimes) {
$mimes[‘svg’] = ‘image/svg+xml’;
return $mimes;
add_filter(‘upload_mimes’, ‘cc_mime_types’);
By using a child theme, you won’t have to keep re-adding it every time you update your website.
How can you change your logo to an SVG vector file?
If you already have a vector version of your logo then all you need to do is get it resaved into an SVG vector format.
If you don’t have a vector file, then it will need to be redrawn manually. We can do this for you at low cost, unless your logo is very complex then it will be a bit more expensive.